Faithfully His: A Resolution to be Devoted to Christ and Defined by His Word

July 23, 2012 at 6:00 am 2 comments

We have made it to week 4 of The Resolution for Women and I am already forever changed by this amazing resource! This book certainly can not be taken lightly and I am thrilled that we are not rushing through it over at so that i can fully digest every chapter!

As I try to stay in line with what my grilfriends are doing over at GCH, I will not be beginning this chapter today, but I will be starting to prepare my heart for it and I pray this will also be a blessing to you. If you would like to be following GCH on this journey along with me, this week;s assignments are posted over there today.


Faithfully His

I have not started reading this chapter yet, but I certainly am intrigued by the title. WHAT does it MEAN?!?!?!?!?

Well, to do something “faithfully” means to do it in a faithful manner (thanks, Webster…)….. to do it dependably, and reliably. The way I see it, God is so faithfully OURS…. we really should be nothing less than faithfully HIS!

So in real life, day to day, what does that look like?

We can say that we are devoted to God, but to really walk that out takes some majorly intentional actions on our part. We ARE human, afterall…. but we serve a God who certainly deserves our intetentional BEST!

What are some things in your life that you have considered yourself “devoted” to? A certain shopping boutique or maybe a rock star? Your family? A hobby? Does it seem strange for you to say that you are devoted to God? When you are devoted to something or someone, you spend your resources on it.. time, money, etc. You WANT to spend time with them, you WANT to be your best for them, you WANT to share how much you value them to anyone who will listen.

Does this sound like how you feel towards your Lord and Savior?

I know I talk about this quite often, but it is so important to have daily time with the Lord, which includes studying His Word. I personally prefer to have this devotional time in the morning to start my day, but whenever it is that you decide to have YOUR time with God, you must have it daily and you MUST give Him your BEST time! If you are the most alert and focused at 3pm, have it then! God wants and deserves our best time and He deserves to have it every single day!

What does this time look like for you? Do you have a favorite spot in your house for this time? Do you follow the same pattern every day or do you vary what this time looks like for you and God?

For me? I prefer my comfy red sofa for my God time! I pour He and I both a cup of coffee and I open up our time with a prayer of thanksgiving. I thank God for everything I can think of and I invite the Holy Spirit into my living room to meet me there. I am currently following a Bible reading plan along with my church as we are reading through the entire Bible this year, so I do my daily reading for that. I make notes about what God shows me and I typically will look up more than one translation of the scripture. Then, I might make a note or two about how this relates to my current season or the season a loved one might be in. I sing and I pray. I have a prayer journal that I write down all of the prayer requests poeple come to me with and at this point, I lift those requests to the Lord through intercessory prayer. I also bring any of my own prayer requests to the Lord and I praise Him for all He is doing, has done, and will continue to do! I then give Him my day and I ask Him to prioritize it from beginning to end. I ask Him to stay with me throughout my day and keep me on the path that He has in mind for it. I let Him set my priorities and I let Him take the lead. I then close with thanksgiving.

The title of this chapter also is saying that we will resolve to be defined by His Word. To me, that is certainly where I feel the challenge coming on this week. I read His Word. I understand His Word… so why is it that I choose to define myself by things and images of this world instead of by His Word? YIKES!!! I am praying that Priscilla will help me unpack this one so that I can let His Word leave the imprints on my heart that God so very much wants me to believe for myself!

Dear friends, thank you for walking along side me in this season. I am so excited for this week and I would love to know how I can best be lifting YOU to the Lord through it!

Dear Lord, thank you for faithfulness! I know You are so faithfully MINE and I pray that I live each day to be my best to be faithfully Yours! You are my perfect portion and my blessed redeemer! I love you, Lord, and I ask that as we prepare our hearts today for the lessons we have to learn this week, that You speak into our spirits what YOU have for us. Lord, protect us from any distractions satan mught try to put in our path and help us to be so focused and in-tune with Your will! Help us to lift each other up and stand in the gap for each other when we are having trouble making it. I thank you for each and every woman on this journey, Father, and I ask you to protect their homes and their hearts from any negativity or darkness. We don’t want to have our focus alayws be “against” evil but to be FOR YOU!!!! May You get all the glory, Lord! In Jesus’ name I pray, amen ❤


Entry filed under: Faith, Friendship, God's Power, marriage, Parenting, Resolution, Step Parenting, Uncategorized. Tags: , , , , , , , , , , .

Resolution for Women: Week 3 in Review Faithfully His: Divine Appointments

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. coleen  |  July 23, 2012 at 6:49 am

    “…devoted to Christ and defined by His Word.” megan, i was also stopped by this phrase. the first half—oh my joy! the second half—oh my, am i? really? i am thinking about this.
    thanks for sharing about your quiet time…the Lord must love ‘seeing’ you climb into the comfy red sofa with your coffee(s), bible, and stuff! ❤

    • 2. megansmidt  |  July 24, 2012 at 1:55 pm

      He does love the red sofa ❤


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Intentional Living

July 2012